
Legal Casino Online India

Yes, online gambling is legal in most of the Hindi and English speaking states of India. India has a better population of over one billion people. It is therefore; perhaps no surprise that there are many gambling lovers in this region. Athletic sports are very popular, especially cricket and horse racing. Casino gambling is the best money making task and popular pastimes for many as well.

Gambling is a state subject, and only states in India have the authority to set rules for gambling in their respective states. There is seventh schedule in Indian Constitution that defines the laws for gambling and betting according to which gambling can be legalized by a particular state. Also the Central Government has no right to interfere in the laws framed by State Government. According to this law there are two broad categories of the games i.e. game of chance and game of skill. Some lotteries and some selective horse racing are banned in some states in India.Now, you can bet on some sports / games, which are beyond the state specific. Currently, horse racing, online gambling, rummy online, lottery, and several casinos are legal in India.

States have different laws for physical gambling — Goa, Daman and Sikkim running casinos at its fullest — however, there are no specific laws for Online Gambling in India except Sikkim and Maharashtra. Sikkim permits and online lottery while Maharashtra doesn’t allow online gambling under the “. Indians can play cash games online in many states of India, even if you have to keep your money in a safe place. We have identified the reliability of all the legal casino sites you will find at this page and gives them the features that most Indians want from legal online casinos. That said, one of the most common questions that Indians’ ask us is, “Are online casinos legal in India?” The answer to that is not as easy as one might think. Casinos online are not explicitly mentioned in the Public Gaming Act of 1867, but they are still today considered illegal. If the casino is operated from within India.

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Information Technology Act, 2000

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In 14 April 2011, the Gazette of India published the Electronic Information System (Central Information) Regulations, 2011. This legal document is published in the Official Gazette Science Technology, 2000. In short, this action instructs Internet Service Providers and Web Hosts to block access to certain types of websites and content. While most of this is in the area of National Security, things are going to make India less vulnerable, things that are blasphemous, illegal, pornographic and otherwise, Section 2 item B includes all “related or financial or gambling” items.The addition of gambling to the IT Act of 2000 faces a debate over which parts of India. Again, the Sikkim government authorizes sports betting and gambling, the Armenian government has legal gambling, and 13 states allow the lottery.

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Online Gambling in India

The 1867 Public Games Act does not apply to online games. This is not surprising given that the Internet was far from invented. It can be argued that operating a gaming site in India is considered illegal under the terms of this act, but it is far from clear.There is also another action that can be considered online betting and gaming according to 2000 Information Technology Law. This provides for various offenses related to online activities, although there is still no statement that online gambling is illegal. Many gambling establishments also welcome Indian visitors, but because these places are operating overseas they do not have to be governed by Indian law. Including this does not, by itself, mean that using gambling sites from within India is legal.

At state level, there are two states that have enacted legislation specifically addressing online gaming. In Maharashtra it is completely forbidden, while in Sikkim the government is now authorized to issue licenses to operators who wish to provide online gambling services through the state. This is a significant step towards gambling regulated in India.

The legality of betting and gambling has been a subject of extensive debate over the course of many years. Although in India playing of cards and rolling of dice has been in existence since time immemorial, yet, one often comes across the debates on gambling on both legal and ethical fronts. While one section seeks to legalize gambling because of the revenue it might generate for the government, the other section has been reluctant to do so owing to issues like corruption and money laundering that might germinate from it.
While the Law Commission of India, in 2018, in its report on Legalizing of Betting and Gambling in Sports recommended for regulating the gambling industry, no substantial progress has been made in this direction. The commission opined that the inability of the state to completely ban the betting and gambling has lead to corruption in sports which could be resolved if the industry is adequately regulated. This would also lead to generation of revenue to the government.

The Law Commission rightly noted that the ban is not absolute and the industry is highly unregulated. This observation stems from the fact that India has legislations relating to regulation of gambling both at central and state level, which adds to the already existing conundrum. Additionally, the legislations in place often pre-date technological advances and therefore fail to address the recent emergence of online gambling.

The legislation in place, the Public Gaming Act of 1867, is a federal legislation which outlaws the operation or being the person in-charge of a public gaming house. It states that it is illegal to operate a public gaming house and also prohibits people from visiting gambling houses. The contravention of this law attracts a fine of Rupees 200 or imprisonment upto 3 months. However, the Act is archaic and does not specifically address the aspect of online gambling. The Act itself predates the recent advancements in technology and fails to address online gambling. Due to this fact, millions of people in India indulge in online gambling on sports and casinos.

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Another legislation, the Information Technology Act, 2000 regulates cyber activities in India but does not address legality of gambling or betting. The Act does not specifically address online gaming or gambling thereby making no impact on legal position of online gambling.

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Further Entry No.34 of List II of the Constitution of India, 1950 empowers the states to make laws on betting and gambling. Due to this entry, many states in India have their own legislations dealing with gambling and are subject to different interpretations. For example, Bombay Wager Act bans online gambling in the state of Maharashtra and Delhi Public Gambling Act, 1955 bans gambling in the union territory of Delhi but makes an exception for ‘game of skill’. However, the states of Goa and Sikkim are the only states that have legalized gambling with appropriate licensing requirements and at restricted places. The Goa Gambling Act, 1976 allows playing of cards at off-shore vessel. Sikkim is the only state to have a law on online gaming which is the Sikkim Online Gaming (Regulation) Act, 2008. The Act however was later amended to restrict online gaming activities to physical gaming parlours in Sikkim through the internet.

In recent past, we have seen mushrooming of online gambling games such as Rummy, Casino etc. where millions of people rush to test their fate. Since, the law does not adequately address the legality of online gambling, this remains a grey area which requires intervention on part of either legislature or judiciary. While in several Supreme Court decisions Rummy has not been held to be gambling, the clarity is still required when it comes to online casinos.

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Rummy has been held to be a game of skill similar to horse racing and is therefore legal in India. However, games like Casinos are a game of chance involving high monetary stakes which amounts to gambling as per Public Gaming Act of 1867. This inference is not difficult to draw as the issue that courts consider while deciding on gambling is whether a particular game is a ‘game of skill’ or a ‘game of chance’. Because of this uncertainty there is no organization that operates the online casino in India. So whether online Casinos are legal in India is the question that has a negative answer. However, indulging in online Casino games would not be considered to be illegal if the site is outside the jurisdiction of India. Due to the fact that the laws of India are not applicable to an overseas organization or gaming site, we continue to see an upsurge in the number of people engaging in this activity. Perhaps, the time is ripe for the Indian legislature and judiciary to end this conundrum and regulate the laws relating to online gambling.