
How Many Total Games In Nfl Season

© Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

How many games will the Cleveland Browns win in the 2020 NFL season? We look at BetMGM‘s projected win total and the Over/Under odds, while looking back at the 2019 season and key offseason roster changes. Cleveland Browns’ 2019 season. The Browns entered the season with high expectations. Flex scheduling does not apply to Thursday, Monday or Saturday games. The NFL can also move Sunday afternoon games between the 1 p.m. ET and the 4:05 p.m. In Week 17, the league can flex a game with playoff implications on six days’ notice. The 1982 NFL season was the 63rd regular season of the National Football League. A 57-day-long players' strike reduced the 1982 season from a 16-game schedule per team to an abbreviated nine game schedule. Because of the shortened season, the NFL adopted a special 16-team playoff tournament; division standings were ignored for seeding (although. NFL regular season games accounted for 31 out of the top 32 most-watched programs in the fall season and an NFL game ranked as the most-watched television show in all 17 weeks of the regular season. At the local level, NFL games were the highest-ranked shows in NFL markets 92% of the time.

How Many Total Games In Nfl Season

The NFL has already cut the 2020 preseason in half, cancelling the first and fourth preseason game. The Hall of Fame game has been cancelled. The 2020 season is still in currently proceeding as scheduled, but will it actually actually take place without a hitch or will the Covid-19 pandemic continue to chip away at the year?

Despite major league baseball players offering to play a longer season, MLB was adamant the league should not continue into November. Similarly, with the NBA getting ready to re-start, the NBA too made it a point to not be playing in November. With November being viewed as peak flu season, it makes sense for professional sports leagues to try to avoid large gatherings of fans and/or players during that time.

But the NFL has not made any indication that the thought of playing in November should cause any worry.


In 1987, a players strike shortened the NFL season by two weeks. In 1982, an earlier players strike caused the NFL to shorten its season from 16 games to only nine. With a nine-game schedule, “divisions” were essentially thrown out of the window and eight teams from each conference made the playoffs, seeded 1-8 based off of overall records.

How Many Games Total In Nfl Regular Season

Washington won both the ‘82 and ‘97 Super Bowls, and when history looks back at the Washington franchise, their total of three championships is rarely given an asterisk or two due to the shortened years. The shortened years are simply resigned to football history books and sports trivia.

How Many Nfl Games Per Season

Knowing this, the league is surely prepared for the possibility of a shortened season in 2020. Now that the two preseason games have already been kicked to the curb, how many regular season games could see a similar fate? When all is said and done, how many regular season games do you think each team will play in 2020? Vote in the poll. Explain in the comments. Send me presents.